Saturday, July 12, 2008

golly moses

Golly Moses, it's been awhile since I've been here! I took quite a hiatus, but I'm back on to things and hopefully will be better than ever!
I will be posting pictures soon of some projects that I've been doing, so stay tuned!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Good grief

Well, since my last post I've finished almost 10 different projects, including another purse, for a friend's girlfriend's Christmas present. Of course, I have no pictures of the finished products, because I am lame :-(
I'm sorry that I haven't updated in months, it's just that life got in the way. However, I'll try to update more often from now on.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

oh, my goodness

I have not updated in quite a while! I am so sorry. I have been having some health problems, which has limited what I've been doing. However, I did finish a few purses and I will post pictures soon.
Thanks for your patience!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I am a bad, bad blogger

*sigh* I have been so crazy-busy lately that I haven't had time to post anything new. I did finish my friend's purse, but forgot to take pictures of it :-(
I also finished knitting the exterior of another purse. Now I just have to felt it, line it, and it'll be ready to go! I will definitely take pictures of that one. I also have a purse that's almost done, so I will definitely post pictures of that one as well.
I think that's all for now -- just wanted to let y'all know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I promise :-)

Friday, August 3, 2007

so sorry!

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days! Things have been really crazy around here. Just today I finished a purse for my friend Sherri's birthday. I'll post pictures once I've given it to her :-)
Hope everyone is well!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I've been really busy around here the past few days since my Mom was visiting. I'm almost done with a purse, though, so I will definitely post pictures as soon as I have them!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Just to be clear

I just wanted to clarify the things that I sell. These things include:
--knitted or crocheted scarves
--crocheted hats
--knitted or crocheted purses with sewn lining
--crocheted afghans
--sewn wallet/change purses
--crocheted hairclips
--knitted or crocheted cotton dishcloths
Please contact me for pricing, as everything is as of now a custom job.
That's it for now. When I expand, I will definitely update here!