Monday, July 16, 2007

Felting Day

Good morning!
Today I'm going to felt some more purses that I've knitted. Hopefully, they will felt well. I think I'm going to do them separately since one of the purses has white stripes and the other has red, and I don't want the red ending up on the white. Anyway, I'm really excited.
Once I do this (and they dry and get blocked), I'll be ready to start on their linings. I have some really cute cloth to line each of them. One of the purses (the one with white stripes) is pink, white, and black stripes of varying widths. The other one is red and black stripes of the same width throughout (the customer is a Georgia Bulldogs fan). I'm working on another one right now that is pure orange. For that one, I have some lovely white cloth with an awesome orange stripe pattern on it for the lining.
I also need to get started on the purse that I'm giving to my best friend for her birthday. I'm not sure yet if it'll be knitted or just cloth with a stiff interfacing. It's going to be a summer purse, so I haven't decided.
I think that's all for now. I'll try to post pictures of the purse shells before and after felting, so that y'all can see the process. It's pretty neat.
Have a great day,

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