Monday, July 16, 2007

In which there are more pictures of things Abbye has made

Here are some more pictures! The first is of the afghan I made for my Mom's bed. That's a double bed in the picture, and the afghan more than covers it. In the second picture is the little wallet that I made for myself. It is large enough to hold my major cards as well as some cash and still closes comfortably. I also made myself a change purse that is similar to the wallet, but I don't have any pictures of that right now.
I can make both afghans and wallets/change purses for sale. The afghans will take longer, of course, but both are totally customizable, or just tell me what you want and I will design something neat for you!

1 comment:

favorite_child said...

I fell in love with the afghan and the felted purse. I would love to order some if you have time (no rush at all). Can you send pricing information to